A new website for confessional Scots: Our Confession

Please find below a link to a new website called Our Confession. The website is an online meeting place for Confessional Scots reformed in doctrine, worship and practice. The purpose of the website is to facilitate discussion with a view to fostering visible unity for those who are separated by denomination.

The website includes relevant articles which will be published on a weekly basis along with a discussion forum. It also includes Church papers written on the issue of Scottish Presbyterian Reunion. Our Confession can be found at www.ourconfession.org.

From the website:

“Welcome to Our Confession, an online meeting place for Scots who hold to the whole doctrine of the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Our Confession is intended to be a place of encouragement and edification for those who hold to the Westminster Confession in its entirety as their subordinate standard and seek to be reformed in doctrine, worship and discipline. Here like-minded believers can discuss issues of interest in a brotherly and constructive atmosphere.

Specifically, Our Confession has been established as an opportunity for those who are separated by denominational boundaries to discuss the issue of fostering visible unity in confessional Scottish presbyterianism.

Anyone who values the cause of Christ will surely mourn over the splintered state of the Church in Scotland and desire true visible unity. We want to discuss in a spirit of fellowship and mutual respect what differences and barriers there may be between denominations and how they could be overcome.”