
There are several goals of this website. Overall, we wish to promote the idea that our worship of God should be regulated by His Word alone. Many issues will spill over into the primary topic of Psalmody, such as the nature and use of Scripture itself, the interpretation of the Reformed Confessions, and the broad subject of Biblical worship.

The goals:

1) To be faithful to the Holy Scriptures as the primary source of our discussion and debate.

2) To provide a place for the scholarly collection of resources and perhaps the production of a journal on the subject of Reformed Worship.

About our contributors:
Mark Koller resides in Kansas. He is an ordained minister in the RPCNA and a student of puritan history. 

All of the opinions expressed on this site are my own and they don’t necessarily represent the views of my church or denomination.

You can email me at mkoller1517@yahoo.com .

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. Mr. Kona,

    Thank you for your encouragement regarding the website. My wife and I have considered the possibility of going overseas, but we are not able to at the present time. I do not have a call, but God has been gracious and we have many responsibilites right now that are keeping us busy. To God be the glory.

  2. I just love the fact your children are 17 years old, 15 years old …. and 3 years old !!
    God bless you all !
    from Scotland.

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