The 1928 Edition of the Psalter

From the Covenanter Witness Magazine, July 25, 1928

Synod this year appointed a committee to arrange for the publishing of a new edition of the Psalter. This committee was asked to compile a more complete index of the psalms and to substitute tunes where the present music was judged unsuitable for congregational singing. The committee desires that the changes that are to be made in the music may represent as far as possible the will of the Church as a whole. In order to determine just what that will is the committee is asking all who are interested in “good congregational singing to go through the present Psalter and make a list of the tunes that are regarded as unsuitable. The committee would appreciate having these lists as soon as possible. After the committee has reviewed these lists and has decided upon the number of tunes to be changed, it will proceed to find other tunes for the tunes that are to be replaced. In this placing of tunes the committee desires the fullest possible cooperation of all the Church. In order that the coming edition of the Psalter be what we all want it to be, three matters must be kept in mind: (1) Regular and earnest prayer for wisdom and guidance that all may be done for the glory of God; (2) Regular work is necessary to produce anything worthwhile; (3) Promptness in getting all suggestions to the committee will greatly help in getting the book completed. For the present all suggestions should be sent to the chairman of the committee,

D.B. Martin, Morning Sun, Iowa