Reformation Church of Blue Bell, PA (RCUS)

Adding Reformation Church of Blue Bell, PA to the directory. The church is a member of the Reformed Church in the United States (RCUS) and it sings predominantly Psalms. This church would be a good one to add to your contacts if you are traveling in the area.

From their website:

We cordially invite you to join us for worship or at our regular mid-week meeting

1215 Union Meeting Rd
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Morning Service

Morning worship begins at 10:00am

Evening Service

Evening worship begins at 4:00pm

Mid-week Meeting

7:00 p.m. Wednesdays at the church

Our Worship

Worship of the Triune God is central to the practice of a true, living faith. Serving God in worship is so serious that the Christian may not exempt himself from meeting with the God of his deliverance together with the congregation once called through the officers of the church. The operations of the church are all to be done decently and in good order and, much more, the elements and ordering of corporate worship (liturgy) are to be done in accordance with God’s Word, the Bible. The elements of worship include the reading and preaching of the Word, confession of sins, prayers of adoration and supplication, Psalm singing, baptism and the Lord’s Supper and various acts of covenant renewal (as defined by Scripture). Worship is covenantal dialogue between God and the congregation; that is, God speaks and His people respond accordingly. It is both a joyful privilege and a solemn obligation to come before our loving Father and Almighty God. It is not an interaction between equals and the congregation must give vigorous attention to the acts of liturgy. Any concession to novelty—no matter how sincere — or being entertained or being merely a spectator has no place in Christian worship.

Reformation church sings out of the “Book of Praise,” an Anglo-Genevan Psalter. This Psalter contains all 150 Psalms set to music, as well as 65 Hymns. Visitors may find extra copies of these Psalters in the cupboard immediately to the right when entering through the main front door.

To assist in following along with the liturgy of the worship service, “bulletins” for both Lord’s Day services can be found immediately to the left when entering through the front door of the auditorium. These bulletins include the prayers that the congregation reads out loud and indicate when the congregation stands and sits at various points throughout the worship service.

Reformation church celebrates communion once each month in the afternoon service. Visitors from sister congregations, if desiring to participate in the celebration, must provide a written attestation of being a member in good standing from the officers of their home congregations to an officer of Reformation church prior to the worship service (preferably, prior to the Sunday they visit).